Monday, February 16, 2009

Is Obama biased?

I was just reading an article about Obama's decision to retire the notion of a 'Car Czar' and go instead with a group of advisors to determine the government response to the auto-maker's meltdown in Detroit. The two names mentioned are Geithner and Summers, the current brains behind the Wall Street bailout. The bailout seems to be headed nowhere fast, basically because they can't seem to get past the bankrupt (ha - pun) mindset that got us into this mess in the first place. For gosh sake's, Lindsay Graham is on the TV talking bank nationalization and Geithner and Summers are still behaving as if the whole idea is some crazy wacked out hippie delusion..

It just seems that Obama is leaning over backwards to keep the right happy. What I see happening is that he tends to listen and adopt ideas fom the right but he is scared of ideas from the left. Case in point: Health and Human Services, best man for the job, Howard Dean. He's a doctor, he engineered a state health care program in Vermont, he's an excellent speaker. But word is the Obama administration considers him too partisan. Hmmmmm. So, Judd Gregg, not partisan. Howard Dean, partisan. Got it.

Now we have this whole economic problem here, and the people who have been right for the last decade are still just voices in the wilderness. Krugman, too partisan? Roubini, too partisan? Geithner and Summers, corporate apologists, just what we need? Got it.

1 comment:

  1. You cannot say stuff like this to Obama supporters. Believe me, I've tried. Anytime you try to reasonably criticize Obama what you'll get is: "He's doing the best he can," or "I'd like to see you do better."


    But I think you are right on point and this is from an Obama fan girl. He is not a liberal or progressive, he just likes to dangle liberalism in front of us - and then he uses all Republican ideas and all Republican people to implement them, tossing in a coupe of Democrats (always the most maleable ones) as an afterthought so he can claim his latest effort was "bipartisan".

    Anyhow - I droppped by to say thank you for commenting on my blog this year and also for linking to me! : ) I'm going to start a food section and you will most definitely be at the top of my list : )

    Happy New Year

