Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sort of Vegetarian

Why sort of vegetarian and not completely vegetarian? Two reasons: 1) I have never been able to be completely anything and 2) I have 50 pounds of ground beef in the freezer downstairs.

Eating less meat is better for you and the environment and certainly the animal. The Omnivore's Dilemma and Fast Food Nation are pretty persuasive books. But I grew up carnivorously, so it's difficult to just go cold turkey. Plus I have that fifty pounds of meat. But I really want to avoid the over-processed, genetically-engineered, hormonized, antibiotic-laden e-coli-ridden, modern method of delivering foods to the consumer. By choosing locally-grown foods that are as close to unprocessed as possible, it should be better for the environment, and I don't have to feel so guilty about what a poor recycler I am.

The hamburger in the freezer is from my sister, who raises cows on her farm, far removed from the land of Upton Sinclair. So I figure it's okay to buy her beef. And every once in awhile, I may get to hankering for some BW3 buffalo wings. I would rather break down and go for those every so often, then not try at all. I copied this approach from my son Raymond, who is 99% vegetarian and 1% meat-eater; when he comes back to Cincinnati he has to stop at the local chili parlor for a SkyLine 3-way chili, as pictured below.

1 comment:

  1. um. I'm almost out of yane meat. If you give(i'll pay) me a couple pounds I"ll give you my chili recipe.

